

Page history last edited by Hugh 6 years, 8 months ago



Welcome to Harringay Online's new Wiki.


Anyone is welcome to read this site. We'd also love to add additional editors. So it you've got stuff you think would be useful for our neighbourhood, drop us a line at HoLWiki@harringayonline.com and we'll set you up.


(Little attention has been paid to these pages since 2014. Whist much of the information is still useful, some of it is it of date and therefore ought to be be verified before relying on it)




1. Democracy in Harringay

Green Lanes Strategy Group

Area Assembley for Harringay and St Ann'sHow Councils Work


2. Harringay Residents' Groups

Gardens' Residents' Association

Ladder Community Safety Partnership (LCSP)

Wightman Road N4 Residents' Group

Woodland Park Residents' Association


3. Residents' Problems

Conversions - Houses converted to flats or HMOs

Estate Agents Signs

Houses in Multiple Occupation

Lorries (Heavy Lorries on Ladder Roads

Rubbish disposal


4. Shaping Harringay

Sustainable Communities Act

Creating Strong, Safe and Prosperous Communities, Statutory Guidance

New Localism

Reuse and Recycle

National Indicators


5. Harringay Online Skillshare

Harringay Skillshare rules of the road

Harringay Skillshare

Harringay Skillshare Testimonials


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