
Rubbish disposal

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Waste collection, street cleaning including graffiti removal, recycling services and the removal of dumped rubbish is managed by  Veolia who took over the contract from Enterprise in April 2011. All feedback can be given directly to Veolia via their contact pages on the Veolia website.


1. Regular Household Rubbish Collection


You can check the days your bins are emptied or order a new or replacement refuse bin, by contacting Veolia directly at the Veolia Haringey Contact Centre on 020 8885 7700 or email enquiries.haringey@veolia.co.uk

Some information is also available at the Veolia website.

Properties above shops on main roads may have a timed collection. Green Lanes collection times are between 7.30 and 9am in the morning and 9pm to 11pm in the evening. It is not permitted to leave rubbish out at any other times. Times and details for all roads with timed collections here.

Many items can be recycled in the free Green Box collection. Households with gardens are provided with Green Boxes which are collected weekly. A list of items that may be put in the Green Box is here. Flats above shops and on estates should have easy access to large recycling bins.

Garden Waste is also collected free of charge. Details here. Garden Waste bags can be ordered from Veolia at the contact details above.


1.1 Food waste


Bags for food waste must have the symbol shown below on or will not be taken by the collectors. However, you do not need to use bags in your food waste bin, you can simply put the food straight into the container. Haringey will be having free compost giveaways made from your food waste regularly.





2. Disposal of  Bulky Items


Many items will be collected for FREE by Haringey Council at any time. The service is available to all residents.


Should residents not have a front garden they are asked to leave any items that require collecting by their bin area, or wherever they place their bins for collection. A scheduled date for collection will be given and residents are asked to put any items out as late as possible the night before their collection so as to minimise disruptions.



  • Fridges
  • Freezers
  • Washing machines
  • Dishwashers
  • Tumble driers
  • Ovens and cookers (but not microwaves)
  • Gas cylinders
  • Car batteries
  • Car tyres
  • Computers / PCs
  • Computer monitors
  • TVs


To make arrangements for either the free or paid service ( £16.84 for up to 6 items) call the Council on 020 8885 7700.


All electrical items can be taken to the Reuse and recycling centres


Regular "community clear ups" are another opportunity to get rid of bulkier items. This page enables you to check when your next community clear up is.


3. Recycling


See the recycling page.


4. Street Cleaning


You can check the days that your road is swept by contacting Veolia. Details of the village-based approach adopted by Veolia are




5. Dealing with Problems


5.1. Dumped Rubbish in the Street


Enterprise will collect any dumped rubbish from the street. They will not collect it from your front garden, unless it is one of the items specified above in the disposal of bulky items section. Dumped rubbish will normally be removed with 24 hours.



5.2. Rubbish in Neighbours' Front Gardens


In response to any enquiry about clearing front garden rubbish, a Harringay Online Member was sent the following:


Haringey has the power to issue several types of Statutory Notice requiring land owners or occupiers of land to clear any build up of waste or anything else that is either harmful to human health, is a nuisance, detrimental to the local amenity or providing harbourage for rats and mice.  These circumstances are judged by authorised officers by way of a visit to the location.  Quite often, issues such as these can be solved by negotiation but authorised officers can serve notice at any time and require the owner/occupier to carry out work, which is reasonable, to improve the area.  If the owner/occupier fails to carry out the work, they are in breach on the notice and can be prosecuted and fined for this breach.



The Council, in these circumstances, would usually carry out necessary work in default and charge the owner/occupier for this work.  These Notices can be a very effective way in clearing land but can take some time in achieving the required result.  Owner/occupiers have a right of appeal to a magistrate if they believe the Notice is unfair or drafted incorrectly. Notices, once served, must by law give the recipient time to carry out the work required, usually 28 days from the serving of the Notice.



Front garden waste problems will be dealt with by a Street Enforcement Officer.


There are 5 ways to report a problem. See section B below.




 6. Reporting Rubbish Problems


A. With the exception of front garden rubbish, all rubbish problems can be reported direct to Veolia at:

          Tel: 020 8885 7700 

Email: enquiries.haringey@veolia.co.uk


B. All problems including front garden rubbish can be reported at:


1.       Report a problem page on Haringey website.



2.       By phone – The Council’s call centre number is 020 8489 1000.  All Enforcement calls are handled by our call centre



3.       By letter – you can write to the “Enforcement Service” at Lee Valley Technopark, Ashley Road, Tottenham Hale,  London N17 9LN



4.       In person at any of the Council’s Customer Service Centres.


5.       By email.


6.  Fix my Street  - with this option you can also provide photos





7. Executive & Management Responsibility


The cabinet member responsible for waste management is Nilgun Canver


The director of Place and Sustainability which incorporates planning, economic regeneration, streetscene services, enforcement, housing strategy and needs is Lyn Garner 



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